HOA Certificates of Deposit

Sitting space in front of home

Build your community association, Homeowners Association (HOA), Common Interest Development (CID) or Planned Unit Development (PUD) reserve funds with these time-tested investments. You’ll receive a guaranteed rate for holding HOA Certificates of Deposit1 (CDs) for a given time period until maturity. And you can earn a higher-interest Relationship Rate when you utilize our payment remittance lockbox processing service or have loans2 with Alliance Association Bank. 

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Features & Benefits

  • HOA CD terms range from 30 days to 60 months
  • Earn competitive interest rates
  • $5,000 minimum opening deposit required

Other Key Facts

  • Penalty for early withdrawal may apply. 
  • HOA CDs automatically renew at maturity, unless you instruct us differently.
  • Cannot make additional deposits to original investment during the term of the CD.
  • View our Deposit Account Agreement and Disclosure

1. Refer to the disclosures provided at account opening and the Schedule of Fees and Charges for additional information.
2. All offers of credit are subject to credit approval, satisfactory legal documentation, and regulatory compliance.  Borrowers are responsible for any appraisal and environmental fees plus customary closing costs, including title, escrow, documentation fees and may be responsible for any bank fees including bridge loan, construction loan, and packaging fees.